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Meg’s 2020 Action Update

Money ignites movements. Women already hold the power to demand change by actively investing and consuming with our values. As many of you know, I spent all of 2019 espousing the need to get more capital flowing to women and how all of us can play a role in that. I am convinced this remains one of the key ways to get greater and quicker movement on advancing women.

At the end of 2019, Quorum Initiative and Paul Hastings partnered in New York and London to support an organization called SheEO (https://sheeo.world/). They are trying to break the model for lack of investment in women entrepreneurs by creating a virtuous circle of “radical generosity.” Not only are they driving financial support for women-run businesses solving some of the world’s biggest social issues, but they are working to create a community of women who support women. It’s a fascinating business model worth checking out. Full disclosure, I am an activator in the U.S.

I share this information about SheEO as inspiration for how an idea ignited action and is having critical impact. They are getting more money flowing to women and I salute the efforts. There remains much work for me to do in rethinking how I consume and invest to ensure it aligns with what I care about. Thus, I have made critical resolutions to get more done in 2020. Let me know if you want to be my accountability partner on this issue because I welcome the collaboration. May this decade be our decade.

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