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Meg’s 2019 Action Commitment

Three weeks ago, I made an action pledge to the Quorum community at the close of the HOW Women Lead Change forum in New York. My commitment is to spend 2019 focused on raising awareness around the power women currently hold to demand change – money.  Women’s global wealth is expected to reach $72 trillion in 2020 and our estimated influence on consumer spending is 70-80%. Imagine what could happen if we all coalesced around investing with our values and demanding that the market pay attention to what matters most to us. For the next year, I am going to share ideas and changes I am undertaking to create the change I care about by using the power of the purse. As a starting point, I want to share a couple of organizations I found that are influencing my consumer spending:

Check out 2020 Women on Boards – www.2020wob.com. Get on their mailing list and receive information about businesses who don’t have women on their board. They provide easy communications you can send to the CEO and Board expressing your concerns. Additionally, they have a directory for companies that are doing well and not so well with ensuring women are on their board. It’s searchable and simple.

Did you meet these amazing women at the HOW forum who are making a difference – Ivelyse Andino is making healthcare accessible to the underserved www.radical-health.com and Tanya Van Court is helping kids learn to save and give back www.goalsetter.com

With the holiday season upon us, I thought you might enjoy these women run social enterprises. Looking for jewelry or accessories over the holidays – see what www.fairanita.com is doing to invest in women for women. Buy a pair of flip flops and a pair of school shoes will be sent to a child in poverty www.moeloco.com. Try soap made by refugee women in the Middle East www.sittisoap.com. Not sure what you are looking for or want to help your company rethink the way it gifts, go to www.giftsforgood.com

I hope you found this information useful. Much more to come!


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