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Hook Ups: Founders We Think You Should Know

Meet Meg Sullivan, Founder & CEO of The Quorum Initiative

In one or two sentences, please tell us what you “do” at Quorum.

As the Founder and CEO of Quorum Initiative, I get involved in guiding the strategic direction, curating the curriculum and content which includes confirming speakers, enhancing the membership through connections I meet, and creating partnership opportunities with symbiotic organizations and businesses that complement and enhance the work we do at Quorum.

For how many years?

Quorum was launched in the spring of 2011 in New York City and grew to Washington D.C., London and beyond. It is my passion project and grew out of my desire to create a space by and for women working in international business, education, and government who are passionate about sharing their skills and contacts and understand that progress happens through collective action. Being a part of Quorum feeds my soul and is additive to my life both professionally and personally thanks to all the incredible women I meet.

What kind of work does Quorum do? (And how do you do it?)

Quorum Initiative connects exceptional executive women. We are an inclusive, intimate peer network focused on delivering a curriculum including leadership, wellbeing, and professional development experiences. The goal is taking action for change for ourselves and each other. We are committed to lifelong learning, providing a dynamic and nurturing community, opening doors, promoting gender equity, and removing obstacles to advancement.

Quorum has a virtual speaker series that focuses on leadership development and inspiration from change-makers. We have virtual cohort sessions where members get a chance to share and connect in an intimate meeting. There are two signature in-person events – HOW: The Retreat that inspires reflection, connections and self-care. There is also the HOW Forum that inspires taking action for yourself, for your professional environment and for your community. Additionally, there are local in-person social gatherings where we celebrate being together and each other.

What’s your personal story of how you started—where did you get the idea?

When I reached my 40s, I turned around and realized that I had worked hard to fight my way to the C-Suite and made it, but it was complicated getting there and lonely at the top as the sole female. I decided it was time I dedicated energy to giving back and making change so others could ascend with fewer barriers and have more of a cohort once they got there. It remains shocking how underrepresented women are in leadership positions. I wanted to join and be active in an organization. The criteria I was looking for was a cross-industry, cross-markets peer group committed to taking action for change. I wanted an organization that provided important leadership development opportunities and encouraged serious connections. At the time, I could not find all those criteria in one organization so I decided to launch Quorum Initiative.

What sets Quorum apart?

Quorum is focused on you: how it can support your leadership development, goals and journey. Its curriculum is carefully curated to focus on what holds women back in the workplace and what women need to advance. It provides a safe and intimate environment to make trusted connections and share. Because of its intimate size, Quorum’s members frequently collaborate, motivate and encourage each other to turn visions into realities. Members influence and participate in every aspect of the organization. Quorum supports its members so they can be catalysts for change in their spheres of influence so every meeting or session ends with talking about what actions we are going to commit to for ourselves and for each other.

How would you describe the impact your company has on its members?

Members tell us that they have made important trusted connections through Quorum. They also feel that they continuously learn new things and have positively evolved their leadership skills. Many of our members feel the support they receive from the Quorum community has not only helped them take the next steps in their careers but it has enabled them to make hard decisions. Consistently members mention that they have been inspired to become more impactful leaders by leading with their values—elevating one another today so that more women will succeed tomorrow.

Looking back at 2022, what’s one initiative that exemplifies Quorum’s impact?

In October 2022, we held Quorum Initiative’s HOW Women Lead Change Forum in New York City. We kicked off with dinner the night before and then spent an entire day together thinking about where we are as leaders and where we want to go. Thanks to the input of incredible speakers, we were both introspective and inspired. With 80+ women in attendance, the group made meaningful connections and walked away with a plan to implement change. What was unique about this moment was everyone who said they would attend did. Every person including speakers participated fully in every session. Everyone had an opportunity to meet each other and have a meaningful and thought-provoking exchange. And no one wanted to leave a single session. The motivation to connect, collaborate and to create change was palpable and attendees left the experience with important new contacts and new information to inspire new action. That’s the magic of Quorum. That’s the Quorum effect!

Why is it important for women to be a part of a like-minded community?

We know the playing field is not level. Juggling work, family, and having a life can be a struggle. It is easy to be overdrawn and take ourselves for granted, given our obligations. Striving alone is exhausting and disempowering. We all want a supportive and encouraging space to develop our superpowers. As women fight to be heard, acknowledged and have a seat at the table, we need sounding boards, sponsors, collaborators and investors. Quorum provides all these important tools and safety nets. This community can be your catalyst for change, providing the resources to accelerate the lives and the world we want to create.

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